
Our business was born rather organically and unintentionally at the end of 2019. Both of the founders were pursuing other careers.

Raised in Melbourne and then upon her arrival in Queensland 30 years ago, she decided to study Naturopathy prior to having her first child. With a background and passion in fitness and health, and having a family history of sensitive skin, these organitarians have enjoyed making safe, green and clean eco soap and skincare products for family, friends and the community for over 10 years.

Now the products are available to you — sourced from the best premium ingredients, as they are made as if they were made for their very own children.

The Purity soap line was designed for the pregnant daughter – no essential oils, no preservatives of course, as per usual (to reduce the toxic load on the body), and not even castor oil (one of soap makers favourite oils to make natural suds – but this oil if taken internally can bring on an early birth). These Purity soaps are designed to be safe for expectant mothers. Available in Vegan Purity or Goat Purity.

Why do we love soap so much? The purity! Body washes are usually filled with a cocktail of nasty chemicals. And you must remember that ANY ingredient that is made with water, will need to include preservatives and various chemicals to prevent mould as anything with water can and will breed bacteria! Body washes have a very high percentage of water — it will never be pure like cold-processed soap! Cold-processed soap although it contains water, is an exception to breeding bacteria in most recipes because as the soap cures, the water evaporates (it will weigh less and become harder) and so this helps to preserve soap. Soaps do not need preservatives. They do not need to be housed in a large plastic bottle either – plastic free and chemical free!

Now not all soap companies have these ethos…they may be “eco” and “green” but they are not CLEAN! They may contain plant-based essential oils, along with synthetic fragrances, synthetic colours and a range of other chemicals that are not disclosed.

And they also may tick the box of being NATURAL — but natural products often are produced with PESTICIDES and POISONS… unless you are buying CERTIFIED ORGANIC ingredients, then poisons may also be included along with the natural products.

At OBF we are not too keen about doses of unknown poisons being included in our soaps, especially for our children and grandchildren. So we decided a long time ago that pesticides were not for our family. For over 20 years we have tried to live our lives without these nasty poisons.

Our soaps are not currently CERTIFIED ORGANIC but we have investigated the process and are looking forward to the day that we will apply for and gain certification. In the meantime, we must collect Organic Certification Certificates from all of our wholesalers so that when we are finally audited, we have the information that they require.

We also aim to provide as many food-grade raw ingredients as much as we can. Some of our wholesalers for cautionary reasons will not grant food-grade status for various products, even though they may be food-grade. So we will try to source other suppliers in order that our food-grade percentage increases on our labels.

Purity in skincare depends on using the safest raw materials as possible, and food-grade is much safer than cosmetic grade. Organic (grown free without the use of pesticides and poisons) is also ideal.

So many people are concerned with beauty and will use poisonous products to reach these goals. Our goal is to provide beautiful products from nature — without all the poisons. It is possible to live a healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself without needing to resort to artificial chemicals. Our superfoods for the skins do not include hidden nasties.

We hope that people will be empowered to listen to less marketing hype and to start to read labels for themselves — and turn back to simple skincare… plastic, pesticide and poison-free pampering.

Soap is a simple product – but it has the possibility of being a pure product if made right. It is also a greener choice for the planet. Using our gorgeous and luxurious soaps is the perfect foundation and base to living the simple and organic lifestyle that will keep ourselves and family clean and nourished with the goodness of raw soaps infused with superfood oils so that your skin is in prime condition. Healthy and hydrated skin prevents a host of skin conditions. We hope that you feel the difference with our soaps – if you have never fallen in love with soap, it is most likely because you have never used an amazing handcrafted raw soap!